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    How To Win Customers & Get More Business

    If your blog posts all sound like a sales pitch, you’ll have a hard time finding loyal readers. You could alienate your targeted clients. Your blog could easily end up as a whisper in the wind with no-one around to hear what you have to say. The majority of people don’t want to hear a […]


    How to Streamline Content Creation

    (1). Create a publishing schedule and stay committed to it. Plan it in a way that works well for you as well as for your readers. Never overextend yourself. It’s not necessary that you publish on a daily basis. Some blogger’s post weekly or even bi-weekly. (2).Throughout your day when good blog post ideas come […]

    Avoiding Traditional Niches and Trying Something New

    Perhaps the most important decision you’ll make when creating your blog and starting to earn money online is deciding what niche (subject) you want to focus on. What topic do you want to be writing about a day in and day out for the next several months? What subject out there has a big enough […]