How to Keep Your Readers Coming Back Time and Again

Being an authority can sometimes be a boring place. If you mishandle it you can create a total catastrophe. You will never win friends by keeping yourself on some kind of high-horse and lecturing them.…
Creating a Must-Read Blog – 8 Major Focus Point for Making Yourself an Authority:

There is poor content spread out all over the Internet. Yawn-inspiring blog posts are a dime a dozen. The stock photography is so boring you want to pull your hair out. If you want to…
Adding a Vlog to Your Blog

Want to increase the popularity of your blog, gain more visitors and strengthen your relationship and authority with those existing fans? One of the most effective ways to do all these things is to add…
Avoiding Traditional Niches and Trying Something New

Perhaps the most important decision you’ll make when creating your blog and starting to earn money online is deciding what niche (subject) you want to focus on. What topic do you want to be writing…
Growth Hacking 101 – Using Influencer Marketing for Your Blog

‘Growth Hacking’ is a popular buzz word on the web at the moment and for obvious reasons. The idea behind growth hacking is to ‘hack’ or ‘cheat’ the usual growth trajectory of any new blog…
Health Tips for Full Time Bloggers

When your blog starts going well, you might decide it’s time to give up the day job and go ‘full time’. This is an excellent feeling and a great moment – all of a sudden…
How to Design a Great Logo for Your Website in Easy to Follow Steps

The right logo for your blog will make a huge difference to your ability to be successful. The main objective for any blogger is to get visitors to want to come back to read the…
How to Get More From Old Content on Your Blog

If you’ve read around and you know your stuff when it comes to creating and running a blog, then no doubt you should know by now the value of sharing your new content as you…